Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Apartment mate #2: The fuse box is not a toy.

It is really awkward. I never thought this is a special skill in any case. The ability to understand how a fuse box works is not that special, is it? I was in the bathroom doing my business. The only thing on are the lights. No hair dryers. No hair straighteners. Just the lights. Out of the blue, the lights went out. I wasn't mad but I wasn't exactly happy. I quickly finished my business and went downstairs to check the fuse box. How else would the electricity not work when it's switched on? To my surprise, the fuse box was open. Now my bathroom was the only switch that was stuck in the middle. For people who never see the fuse box (ever), when the black switch is in the middle, it means the fuse detect high current usage through the system and the fuse shuts itself off to prevent burning/overheating the fuse. I thought this was common knowledge. Anyways I disregarded the switch. Other than the fact that the box was wide open, it looked like a regular shut off. I just turned it back on. It wasn't until later did I heard a funny story from my sister about our apartment mate Wavy. Apparently, Wavy's room was shut off due to her high usage of electricity. It doesn't really matter to me since I did that a few times myself. Just be careful next time. That's what I always say. However, Wavy doesn't know how to use the fuse box (to my surprise, since she's an engineer major). So to solve her problem, she called up the technician for help. At the end, she ended up using her whole palm of her hand and switched several switches off and on. It wasn't one switch at a time. No. It was using your whole hand and randomly moving switches left and right. This screwed up almost half the electronics in the apartment, including the microwave and everyone's internet excess.

I don't understand. Is using the fuse box that hard? Or is it really a special skill? I'm not an electronics expert but I know how it works. At least I know it's not safe to just randomly moving switches in hope to fix the problem. I really question how my "lovely" apartment mate thinks. 

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