Sunday, April 27, 2014

WTF Moment #1: Getting a girl

There will always be moments where you can't help but go "what the f***?!" Life is spontaneous that way. Sometimes it likes to throw curve balls at you just to see how you can deal with the situation. Whether it is a serious moment or just a brief moment of awe, retelling the story is sometimes a good conversation starter. Now just to be fair, my stories may not make you go "wtf" like I did but maybe it will stimulate your memories of your "wtf" moments.

Children are adorable little things. They see the world through innocent eyes. Always expecting the good, never the bad. Sadly those moments are very short. Once they hit middle school, drama will start pouring in and it's easy to tell that they aren't as innocent as before.

I was hanging out with my cousins during a family barbecue. If you have previously hung out with children that are at least 8 years younger than you, then you would know that at some point, they will always ask for advice in literally anything. I always saw my cousins as children or at least I don't believe they are capable of thinking as adults until high school (of course, that is a matter of opinion and I can be awfully wrong). So the youngest of the two was already in middle school and in the middle of our conversation, he stated he liked a girl. Of course I was happy. Someone I care about is crushing on someone else (so adorable!). I didn't want to butt into his business too much so I asked very general questions about the crush. "Did you meet her in class?" "Are you friends?" "How long have you had these feelings? ;)" After asking a few questions, I decided to let the topic go. I don't want to embarrass the boy. I do know that he was expecting something. No person just states he or she likes someone without an objective. He then stated that the girl already has a boyfriend. Oh?! So now I'm just plain curious. He stated he has a crush on this girl and she happened to be already taken. Was he hinting on seeking advice to get over her? Nope. He asked, "how do I get her to like me instead?" Woooooow! You did not read that wrong. He was asking me for advice to get a girl to break up with her current boyfriend and date him instead.

I understand. He likes this girl. He wants her to be his instead. He wants her to love him. I get it... but to find a way to make her break up with her boyfriend? Isn't that thought messed up? What can I say? Of course I told him he should not be thinking about stealing her and instead care for her happiness. Whether she stays or break up with her boyfriend, it is her business. If he truly loves her, he should only care if she's ever happy even if she ends up staying with her boyfriend. Wouldn't it be arrogant to think that he (my cousin) would be the better choice even if she may end up unhappy? No. Love doesn't work that way. It's not always about the material gain or being the best in everything (but those are attention grabbers). It's always about compatibility between personalities and compromises. I was so tempted to just yell at my cousin "No!" but that wouldn't be the appropriate way to teach him. I pray I am never asked this question again.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

2014 Resolution Update

4 months have passed since anyone has made his or her New Year's resolution. What better way to spend my free time than to look back and review my progress.

So one of my resolutions was keeping contact with my friends. Well, I wouldn't say I'm doing great on that but I did spend one or two meals with a friend. It was nice to see where we are all going in life. There were many events that forcibly change our goals. Financial issues or a change of interest. Life will always be a mystery and it is nice to know that I'm not the only one lost (but I'm probably the only one without an actual life plan yet).

Getting motivation and bringing my creativity up was harder than I thought. After sacrificing my hobby times for studying times in college, it's really hard to find my artistic self again. Maybe it was the 4-year studious schedule that got me into a somewhat boring habits. Or maybe I'm just not the same old me back from high school. Back when I don't really care too much about my grades and how my life will go (because I thought college was the answer to everything). Oh well. I just have to leave that and see how it goes.

Nail biting! That went well...for 3 months and now I got back to the habit again. In a way, I got to see how my nails look when they were long. So what did I do? I decided to wear fake nails. I can't deny it. This really helps as long as the plastic stays on. How long will it take to break the habit entirely? I'm not sure. I still don't know why I have this habit to begin with but hopefully it will go away.

Last, keeping this blog alive. Uhh... it's alive I guess, depending on how you see it. Honestly, I still haven't touch my dA page (lack of creativity and lack of a scanner). For instagram, I originally wanted to just post up other creations I made such has my cooking or some 3D art projects. Sadly I don't have time for that. I didn't even write any stories when I said I would. Even now, I don't think I would. The synopsis for my story was a demon king was granted vacation time on present-day Earth after working for who knows how long. He is now in this world with no cultural knowledge of this current generation. Each chapter was suppose to be presented like an episode of a TV show, with the king learning something new each time. Examples include learning about technology, living style, what humans are attracted from the opposite genders, etc. Basically it's like learning a whole new culture. There was a short written storyboard extending up to 10 chapters (I think). However, as much as I want to write it, I can never find an ending to the story. That's why I gave up on it. Maybe I will get back to it one day but for now, I find it cliche and boring.

Well, that's my progress on my New Year's revolution. Can't say I'm doing so well. Besides that, I did end up with 2 part time jobs. Hopefully I don't lose either of them, and get a better full-time in the future. Good luck to everyone who is still working on their resolution.