Thursday, January 24, 2013

Childhood #3: Mommy is rich!

So there are many events in my past that I don't remember clearly. It is either I was too young to remember or it became a "unimportant" memory according to my brain. My parents decided to tell me one of those memories because they were somewhat proud of it.

One day, my sister wanted something from a store. It was either a candy or a toy, something that requires payment. However, she was upset because she didn't know how to obtain such money. Now just to be clear, my sister was only around 2 or 3 years old and I was 4 or 5. I proudly stated, "Don't worry. Mommy is rich. She sticks a card in this machine and money comes out." My parents laughed after I said that. They said they were proud for my being observant and creating a correlation. My present self is currently thinking how stupid I was to not know what an ATM machine is. Either way, if someone were to tell me a similar story about his or her own children, I would definitely find that adorable. Children have such wild imaginations.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Childhood #2: School Uniforms

I always love school uniforms. Sometimes I wonder why the public schools in the US never had school uniforms (dress code doesn't count). Usually out of all my friends, I'm one of the few who would support having uniforms. I guess my reasons are bit on the selfish side. With school uniforms, I wouldn't have to figure out what to wear each day. Also it would be easier to schedule laundry days. Oh well, my reasons just leads to my laziness. What can I say?

There are some down sides to having school uniforms. Most likely the girls will have to wear skirts. I remembered back in my elementary school, I used to wear skirts. However, it wasn't convenient during recess. At some point, my parents got me to wear pants to school instead. I remembered how I was the only girl to wear pants for a period of time which did felt really awkward. On the other hand, it was easier to play during recess. Fortunately, the school uniforms changed and soon everyone wears either shorts or (as my parents will call it) trousers. I'm not trying to say uniforms are all that good but it was a nice experience. Plus I look nice. Funny thing is because I used to wear uniforms to school, now I have no sense of fashion. I just don't understand it that easily. Hehehe... I guess uniforms are not as sweet as they're supposed to be.

Monday, January 7, 2013

2013 New Years Resolution

Hello everybody. How is everyone doing? I'm doing okay for now. Many things had happened in the last three weeks leading to irregular entries. I had a huge exam that I can't risk failing and the two crazy holidays kept me booked full.  All that is in the past and became another set of memories to remember. (Isn't that nice?) Anyways, I'm back to having an organized schedule so that means a steady flow of posts. I do apologize if you are a regular to my blog and you had to deal with my unsteady posts. I'll try my best to keep it weekly. With that said, this leads to this week's topic. (Even though I think I'm a week late.)

Oh the topic: New Years Resolution. How we love to make big goals but always end up giving up or lowering the standards halfway through. I especially am one of those people. Sorry to disappoint you if you were hoping I'm different. I used to make a list of goals to accomplish each year. However, due to my laziness, procrastination, and school work, I always ended up accomplishing close to none of my goals. It even came to a point when I don't even bother with it each new year. As much as I love to keep talking about my past, it's time we talk about the future. We remember things from the past to appreciate challenges that comes in our way. That was the whole point right? Now how did I come to this point where I force myself to keep working instead of procrastinating? Simple, I'm graduating soon! I have to prepare to get a job or apply to higher education. It only shows that one can procrastinate so long before life comes back and hit you in the face. (Ouch.) So here are my New Years Resolution of 2013.

1) Be more patient.
    I think being patient is not to be confused with procrastinating. While procrastinating means putting off work (thus delaying progress), patience involve constantly making progress but not expecting fast results. Sometimes I believe it is because we lack patience that we tend to procrastinate. We expect fast results from our work which unfortunately does not happen always. Being patient helps keep us motivated to work. In another situation, patience can also help deal with arguments or obstacles. Staying patient help maintain focus and analyze the situation, allowing us to make a more effective and sufficient solution. Everyone can use patience. One can never be too patient. Overall, I hope to be more patient so I can solve problems while maintaining a steady stress level. 

2) Keeping this blog alive.
    As stupid as it sounds, I want to keep this blog alive. I don't really mind if people don't find this blog interesting or important. However, my goal is to (hopefully) bring up topics that people don't often think about. We all are so focus on our work life that we sometimes easily get depress or feel unmotivated. I hope that my blog will temporarily distract my readers from their stressful life and just cheer them up. (Because we all need relieve stress sometimes.) Who knows? Maybe someone really needs this type of blog.

3) Exercise.
     I can see you laughing. If not out loud, then in your mind. I understand how many people say their goal is to exercise more. Many times we just give up. Sadly, my exercise only consist of walking to lecture every day and that exercise will disappear once I graduate out of college. I don't really know how I manage to maintain my weight (~115 lb) this whole time with just walking but I have to start forcing myself to exercise regularly to keep my fitness. My current motivation is keeping myself healthy and preparing for life outside college. And for those of you who can't find a motivation to keep exercise, here's a video that might help. Reality sucks but what can we do.