Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Regretting is such a depressing topic. "Did you ever regret something in your life?" I hate this question. I never wanted to ever hear or think about it.The answer to it is very obvious. Everyone regrets something in his or her life time. "I wish I had done this." "I should have done that." "I should have said something." It is a major bother to almost everyone who thinks about it. The idea that one could have change an event for the better can really stress the mind. Once we get the idea, we start comparing our current situation to what could possibly happen. Sometimes we compare them so much, we get depress by them.

A simple example will be my college application. I applied to very few schools because I wasn't too confident in my application and I had no desire to move so far from my home. Because of my desires, I applied to a certain school without knowing how I was going to study for my career. Sadly, by the second year, I realized that another college, where most of my high school friends applied, has a program that would have helped me in my career. I didn't bother to apply to that school because I thought I was not smart enough or wasn't good enough. To this day, I still have one question in my head. "If I applied, would I have been accepted?" It is one hell of a question since I'm not doing as well as I expected in my current college, mostly because I'm studying another major towards the same career. However, different majors have different standards, as we all know. So... "would I have done better if I went to the other college studying in that program instead?" I will never know.

Let's not be so negative. I never like thinking about regrets (who does?) because I don't like seeing them as regrets at all. Through my college life, I learned many things about myself and life in general. True, regret hurts but what is done is done. We should learn from them instead. I learned to actually research about colleges thoroughly before applying. (First generation college student here. Please don't blame me.)  This knowledge I can pass it on to my other family members who will be going to college. We live and we learn. For regrets over crushes, we learn to identify our feelings and take courage in making our final decisions (whether to confess or not). There are many positive experiences from our decisions. Outside of learning, I also am glad I made wonderful friends in college. I learn how to take care of myself and schedule my time wisely. All our decisions and regrets teach us how to deal with our future. So for anyone who is burden by his or her regret, cheer up. I'm pretty sure everything will turn out all right. As long as we all work hard, our future is bright.

Now what about "always remember" our memories? It is true I say that but we should only see them as where we came from. Our past should not pull us back from what we can gain in our future. "We learn from our past. We live in the present. We work for our future." I don't know who said these words but we can learn a lot from it.

1 comment:

  1. One big thing to mention, that feeling late at night when you are almost asleep and then remember something really stupid you said or did in the past. That's one of the worst most common forms of regret.
