Age. Something we keep track of each year yet at some point, we started not caring about it anymore. We stopped thinking about it and continued on with our work life, thinking the people and environment around us stays the same. Well, at least that is what I am experiencing. Just one week ago was my cousin's birthday. Because we live in two different cities and our age difference is by eight years, it is easy for me to just see her as a child, forever younger than me. That is until one week ago when I realized she turned thirteen. She is finally a teenager which leaves me feeling older than I thought I was. I always pictured her as that young little girl with pigtails and a pink tutu. Now she is heading towards high school. Time flies really fast. I felt somewhat upset that there are many things occurring and I didn't take the time to stop and enjoy it. Another time I realized I was older is when I watch one of my favorite popstar Britney Spears. I rarely see her new music videos. Her first three albums are what I usually listen to. However, I just watched her latest video with Will. I. Am. ("Scream and Shout") and discovered that not only is Britney no longer a young adult, she really look like a full grown woman. Now I'm not trying to say she looks wrinkly and old. She isn't but she no longer is the young big smile teen I knew before. She's growing old. I'm growing old too. It really is a small shock how much time has passed. So what does this mean? It means we need to make more memorable moments. We need to sometimes drop our work and just enjoy life (or at least go out and realized what's outside our windows). I'm currently in my last year of college. After this, I will have to start working. True, I need to worry about building up my applications either for a job or graduate school, but I'm also spending extra time with friends. Live life while we still have the energy (and money) to do so.
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