Whether you have your biological mother, stepmother, foster mother, mother-in-law, god mother or even a mother by spirit, you can never truly hate her. She gave up some of her time to raise you and teach you about life. Not all of us are blessed for having a loving/living mother. Because of this, we should all be thankful for having our mothers and give up a small time to thank her once in a while. True there are times when she scold you. She might even lecture you over things that you find unnecessary or are not responsible over. Either way, her message and lecturing are meant to teach you what is important and what should be done if you were in those situations. She is teaching us how to build character and value. And most of the time, we don't truly appreciate them until they are out of our daily lives. Let's not wait till they are gone for us to appreciate them. Let's keep telling them "I love you" and thank them. So when the day they truly leave our lives, we have no regrets.
~Happy Mother's Day~